
Durva átalakulás: 20 kilót hízott, boldogabb, mint valaha

Bethany Tomlinsonnak mindig meggyűlt a baja a súlyával. Igaz, nem úgy, mint az átlagos embereknek: a lány ugyanis hiába evett egész nap csokit, pizzát, chipset, mégsem hízott egy dekát sem – írja a Bors Online.



Bethany annyira szégyellte testét, hogy még barátja előtt is csak pólóban volt hajlandó megmutatkozni.  Mindig gyengének érezte magát, önbecsülése nem volt, utálta kilógó bordáit és csontos hátát. 

The last few years for me have been an apsoloute rollercoaster ride. I finally feel like i'm picking up speed in the right direction and becoming who I want to be. Yes, sometimes that means being different, people thinking your weird for prepping food and sticking to a certain way of eating and training. Yes that means I've lost a lot of friends who didn't understand me or believe in my vison. But thats okay. I never did any of this to fit in, I did this for me and only me. But lets just get a few things straight. You as a women don't need a bigger butt to be beautiful. No, for me it's do what makes you happy and confident. For me that meant putting on a fair amount of weight, building muscle and curves! But for you it could be just losing a few pounds or getting stronger! Whatever it may be just make sure you do it for yourself. At the end of the day people come and go, look after yourself 💜. Be lit, stay safe, stay humble 💁🏻.

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Mivel addig szakemberhez nem fordult, úgy gondolta, ha egész nap egészségtelen ételeket eszik, majd meghízik. De nem így történt. 

#transformationtuesday! But lets not celebrate the girl on the right for being better in any respect. Being small or slim does not negate how much respect you should be given. Both of them deserve love and acceptance it's just the girl on the left didn't feel confident in herself. THIS is the only difference. When you look at my photos or videos I never want you to compare yourself. We will never be or look the same, comparing yourself will only lead to frustration. Trust me I have been there! Wishing my hips or other bits I didn't like were like other girls on social media. Sure, having goals or idols are good sources of motivation. But you should never expect yourself to look the same. You will be amazing IN YOUR WAY! Love yourself for who you are and believe in your own qualities! I have come to expect there will always be someone better than me. Who squats more, better at youtube, better booty🤗, less broad shoulders etc etc.. I could go on! But instead of reflecting on that and letting it get to me I remember I am running my own race. The only person who has the power to accept myself and keep going is me. I got dis and so have you🤓💜.

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Azonban 2015-ben apjánál rákot diagnosztizáltak, ekkor döntötte el, változtat az életmódján, így edzőterembe kezdett járni, a Youtube-on is kereste az ötleteket és a lehetőségeket a testépítéshez. Mint mondta, instagramos profilok inspirálták, és szép fokozatosan kialakított magának egy étrendet és egy edzéstervet.

Since it's not allll about the booty I thought i'd show scarily small my legs used to be too. Yes I have gained weight but I am SO MUCH HAPPIER. Losing weight sometimes doesn't make for a healthier, happier you. I used to have a very bad relationship with the scales. Not for losing weight but for gaining it! I was DESPERATE to gain weight but went about it in the complete wrong way. I ate shit loads of junk food in the hope it would help but instead I just deprived my body of what it needed to be healthy. Fast forward 3 years i've gained loads of muscle and loads of weight through proper nutrition and training and I could not be happier💜🔑. P.s can we pls say a tiny prayer for my calves to keep growing? So happy with their progress 🤗

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Bethany 3 évvel később már két ruhamérettel volt nagyobb, mindeközben pedig 73 ezer követőt szerzett magának a közösségi oldalon – most pedig már ő inspirál másokat. 




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(A komment nem tartalmazhat linket)
  1. Mirmilla says:

    Nem 20 kilót, hanem 20 lbs-t (20 fontot) hízott. Ez kb. 9 kg.

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